From the archives of The Memory Hole

HIV=AIDS Controversy: Bedside Mannerisms

From: Death Camp [London], no. 16, April/May, 1997. Questions to ask your doctor about "HIV" (and then watch his/her eyes glaze over). You should require recent valid scientific references for all your answers otherwise they are worthless. Hearsay and anecdotal gossip will not do. Every answer that begins with: "Everybody knows that" or "It's common knowledge that..." will not be taken as scientific evidence.

Questions To Ask Your Doctor About "HIV"

  1. Where did "HIV" come from?
  2. Where is the evidence that "HIV" directly kills T-4 cells?
  3. What is the indirect mechanism used to kill T-4 cells?
  4. Why has "HIV" not been truly "isolated?"
  5. In 16 years, why have there only been fewer than 200 heterosexual cases of "AIDS" in the UK in people of no known risk? How on earth can "HIV" be an "STD?" [STD=Sexually Transmitted Disease]
  6. Why do 99% of the wives of "HIV+" hemophiliacs remain uninfected even after years of regular unprotected sex? Why has "HIV" never been found in Factor VIII?
  7. "HIV" is supposed to be a lentivirus; no other known lentivirus is known to be sexually transmitted. Why is "HIV" the exception?
  8. It has been shown that cell-free virus is 6000 times more infectious orally than anally (Ruprecht, Science, 7.6.96)--why is this never mentioned in recent "safe-sex" guidelines?
  9. All retroviruses are typically spread from female to offspring; why is "HIV" the exception?
  10. "HIV" has never been seen cell-free in any bodily fluid except after extensive culturing. How can a virus be spread intracellularly by casual contact? This applies to semen, blood, saliva.
  11. What is the mechanism for "HIV" being infectious in the anus? How does the dominant (semen donating) partner become "infected" with "HIV?"
  12. If "HIV" is a lentivirus (slow) how can it be churning out billions of copies (particles) daily?
  13. Why does the Royal Society of Medicine admit that "saliva and blood are far more infectious than genital secretions..."?
  14. Half the straight "HIV+" drug-addicts, male and female, have never injected drugs; how did they become infected? Where did their hypothetical "HIV" come from?"
  15. Why are no prostitute women in this country "HIV+" unless they are also drug addicts?
  16. Why should an "epidemic" start in a minority of high risk groups and remain there 15 years later? A truly infectious epidemic starts in a majority and finds its way into the minorities, not the other way round: water does not flow up hill. All STDs being the heterosexual majority. An STD cannot start in a minority. Therefore, "HIV" is not, and cannot be an STD.
  17. Why is the "HIV" test based on an assumed "isolate" from 1983 still being used if the "HIV" has mutated by as much as 40% worldwide (WHO figures)? Isolations taken from the same person in the same day vary enormously. So how do we know what we are measuring?
  18. Why has every country got a different definition of "AIDS" and "HIV" positivity? There is no universal gold standard test for "HIV" positivity or "AIDS" definition. Measles is measles all over the world, why does "AIDS" vary?
  19. If "HIV" is an "old virus" in humans why did it wait to cause a disease until ten years after we found out what retroviruses were. Howard Temin found reverse transcriptase in 1970, "AIDS" appeared 10 years later. There are no human retroviruses.
  20. Does the use of so-called drug cocktails (to reduce "viral load") improve the patient's health and for how long? Where are the long-term studies (over four years) that prove this?
  21. In the absence of any other co-factor, what does "HIV" cause on its own? (nothing!)

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