September 2008

Received an advisory from a literary agent representing Eric Frank Russell’s estate that the science fiction author’s novel, The Great Explosion, posted on TMH had to be removed. Here’s the note:

I understand that you host the [The Great Explosion] website. Pollinger Ltd are the literary representatives for the Estate of Eric Frank Russell.

The Great Explosion by Eric Frank Russell is currently copyright-protected, therefore I must inform you that you are required to remove it immediately from the site.

Please confirm by email that the work has been removed.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

So, the novel was removed from TMH and then there was none.

In Viktor Suvorov’s paper, Who was Planning to Attack Whom in June 1941, Hitler or Stalin?, we are introduced to more details about Russia’s planning and preparation for war on Germany. In light of current events (which are seldom alluded to here), particularly, in the Caucasus on the part of Georgia, we can see how even the most unequivocal aggression can be turned on its head with the flick of the Mighty Wurlitzer switch.