From the archives of The Memory Hole

Anti-war Propaganda: Odd Books, Part the First

Presented in two parts, this is Part 1 of a selected reading list of burnable books from the shelf of revisionist Keith Stimely. It's rather lengthy for a web page, but probably not exhaustive. Nevertheless, something probably worth browsing. Go here for Part 2.

Revisionist Bibliography

A Select Bibliography of Revisionist Books
Dealing with the Two World Wars
and their Aftermaths

Compiled and Annotated by Keith Stimely


A - K

Abrams, R.H., Preachers Present Arms, Round Table Press, 1933.

Description of WWI Allied propaganda techniques.

Al-Abid, Ibrahim, 127 Questions & Answers on the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Near East Ecumenical Bureau for Information & Interpretation, P.O. Box 5376, Beirut, Lebanon, 1973.

One of the best Arab works to expose Zionist banditry. Factual and referenced.

Anderson, George L. (ed.), Issues and Conflicts: Studies in Twentieth Century American Diplomacy, University of Kansas Press, 1959.

Contains a long and favorable essay on "Historical Revisionism Following the Two World Wars," by Louis Martin Sears, Professor Emeritus of History at Purdue University. The court historian editor was so incensed at Sears' sympathetic discussion of Revisionism that he felt compelled to disrupt the essay with some footnote-insertions of his own, thus unwittingly providing an excellent example of the smear-treatment accorded Revisionists by the Establishment.

Anonymous, The Myth of the Six Million, The Noontide Press, 1969.

The first ever English-language book to refute the "Holocaust " Allegedly written by a California professor.

Anonymous, The Nuremberg "Trial", first published 1946, Sons of Liberty reprint ca. 1978.

One of the first booklets to appear in America attacking the "delayed drumhead court-martial" otherwise known as the Nurnberg Trial. Particular attention is paid to the activities of Chief U.S. Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson in rigging up the "trial" and indictment which carefully overlooked any crimes committed by the Allies. Also examined are the excellent qualifications of two of the American "judges" at the "trial"Francis Biddle and Owen Roberts. The former was well-versed in the legal nuances involved in defining "aggressive war," having conjured up all sorts of pseudo-legal justifications for FDR's attempts to provoke a high-seas shooting war with Germany in 1941. The latter was the man behind the infamous Roberts Commission lie-report on Pearl Harbor. These two thus provided rather appropriate company for Russia's own legal whores in dispensing the Stalinoid brand of justice at Nurnberg.

App, Austin J., A Straight Look at the Third Reich Boniface, 1974.

A distinguished American scholar asks the question: "Hitler and National Socialism, How Right? How Wrong?" and comes up with some unorthodox answers. These must be all the more "shocking" to the unenlightened victims of the history-blackout by virtue of App's trademark "no-holds-barred" style.

App, Austin J., Autobiography, Boniface, 1977.

Frank and revealing memoirs of the foremost German-American figure of the postwar eraand one of the earliest and most vocal World War II Revisionists. 43 chapters cover all aspects of App's life, from his boyhood in Michigan through his long and distinguished career as an educator to his postwar forays into political, social, and historical consciousness-raising (and hell-raising). His polemicism earned him the honor of obtaining the life-long enmity of such types as Drew Pearson, Walter Winchell, and Ben Hecht. Perhaps App's main contribution to Revisionism is that his has been the principal voice in raising and keeping alive the issue of the "unholy trinity" (Morgenthau Plan Forced Repatriation, the German Expulsions) of Allied war crimes after World War II.

App, Austin J., Morgenthau Era Letters, Boniface Press,

An interesting and illuminating collection of 119 letters written by the author (three-fourths of them in the 1941-1950 period) to various influential personages and publications, presenting vigorous comments on the causes and course of World War II, and the Allied occupation policies and actions in post-war Germany.

App, Austin J., The Six Million Swindle, Boniface, 1973.

Brief but factual essay on the post-war implications of the "Holocaust" fraud.

App, Austin J., The Sudeten-German Tragedy, Boniface,

A short but succinct description of the atrocities committed against the expatriate Germans in central Europe.

Armstrong, Anne, Unconditional Surrender, Rutgers University Press, 1961.

The standard scholarly book on the history and implications of the outstanding political and diplomatic blunder of the Allies in WW II

Bailey, T.A., The Man in the Street, Macmillan, 1948.

This book is by a leading American diplomatic historian who is a strong partisan of Roosevelt. Nevertheless he is honest enough to concede that the President lied this country into war. Bailey justifies this mendacity on the grounds that such deception was necessary, since the American people were not capable of understanding their own best interests.

Balabkins, Nicholas, Germany Under Direct Controls, Rutgers University Press, 1963.

The treatment of West Germany. Morgenthau Plan from 1940.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, Revisionism & The Promotion of Peace, privately published, reprinted from Liberation (Summer 1958),c.1960.

A short essay on the state-of-the-art of Revisionism.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, The Genesis of the World War, 3rd edition, Knopf, 1929.

Best survey of the subject for the general reader, with useful annotated bibliography.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, In Quest of Truth and Justice, National Historical Society, 1928.

The most complete summary of the Revisionist controversy over the causes of the first World War.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, World Politics in Modern Civilization, Knopf, 1930.

Last half of this book is the standard Revisionist survey of war guilt literature and the main problems created by the post-war treaties.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, Shall the United States Become the New Byzantine Empire ?, privately printed, 1947.

One of Barnes' first forays into Cold War Revisionism, and an anticipation of themes raised by the later generation of "New Left" revisionists. Criticizes Truman's plans to bail out the British Empire (yes, again) in its troubles in the Balkans and the Middle East.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, Rauch on Roosevelt, privately printed, 1952, Sons of Liberty reprint, ca. 1978.

Barnes demolishes court historian Basil Rauch and his Roosevelt From Munich to Pearl Harbor-one of the most extreme and vulnerable attempts at defending and obscuring the Roosevelt pro-war policy. One of Barnes' hardest-hitting booklets, a classic example of one historian calling another's bluff.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, Crucifying the Saviour of France privately printed, 1945.

In this, his first Revisionist brochure on the second world war, Barnes outlines the case for Marshall Pétain, as presented by Mrs. Seton Porter in her lengthy manuscript on Pétain's role in stepping in to save France from the ravages of a stupid war. (Unfortunately, Mrs. Porter's book remains unpublished to this day.) Petain himself read a translation of this booklet in his prison cell, shortly before his death.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, Selected Revisionist Pamphlets, Arno Press, 1972, reprinted 1980 by IHR.

A handy collection of some of Barnes best. Excellent introduction to the whole Revisionist controversy after World War II through the eyes of the protagonist.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, The Chickens of the Interventionist Liberals Have Come Home to Roost, privately printed,1954, Sons of Liberty reprint, ca. 1977, available in Barnes' Selected Revisionist Pamphlets above.

Describes the ideological "flip-flop" of those "old liberals" who, mindful of the lessons of Revisionism of World War I, were all for neutrality and pacifism in the early thirtiesuntil The Devil Himself came along in Germany, to be replaced at the end of the war by a new League of Devils from Russia. This is one of the most biting critiques of the new "totalitarian liberalism" and its concommittant "globaloney" ever to appear in print. Writing in 1954, at the height of the much-exaggerated "McCarthy era," Barnes does not try to conceal a certain satisfaction that the liberal totalitarians are at last getting a taste of the fear-and-smear techniques they themselves used against non-interventionists and Revisionists in the late thirties and forties. Poetic Justice.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, Was Roosevelt Pushed Into War By Popular Demand in 1941 ?, privately printed, 1951, Sons of Liberty reprint, ca. 1977.

Barnes' reply, delivered at the 1950 convention of the American Historical Association, to a paper of Prof. Dexter Perkins in which Perkins had argued that Roosevelt merely "followed the lead" of American public opinion (as measured by polls in 1940-41 ) in moving toward war. Barnes notes how Perkins distorted and twisted his statistics in order for them to follow his "line," and then examines those polls himself, concluding that when the often "loaded" questions are "unloaded," the real answer of the American people at that time becomes clear, a consistent and overwhelming opposition to any moves recognized as likely to get America into war.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, et al., Select Bibliography of Revisionist Books Dealing with The Two World Wars and Their Aftermath and 1966 Supplement, privately published, 1958 & 1966.

Compiled by Barnes and 7 other scholars, this includes often-colorful synposes of each work listed. Much Revisionist work has been done since this was put together, but it remains the indispensable guide to early Revisionism. (The entire contents have been incorporated into the present bibliography.)

Barnes, Harry Elmer, Blasting the Historical Blackout,Boniface, 1976.

Originally published by the author in 1962, this 42-pager is devoted to an appraisal of the Revisionist breakthrough marked by the publication of Taylor's Origins of WWII (q.v. ).

Barnes, Harry Elmer, Pearl Harbor After a Quarter of a Century, Arno Press & The New York Times, 1972, reprinted 1980 by IHR.

A reprint of Barnes' 123-page monograph on Pearl Harbor, originally published in 1968 in the journal Left and Right. Murray Rothbard called this article "(Barnes') final word on the task which had occupied him for the last quarter of a century: the true story of Pearl Harbor . . . the culminating synthesis of a quarter century of Revisionist inquiry."

Barnes, Harry Elmer, Ed., Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, Caxton Printers, (Caldwell, Idaho), 1953.

A comprehensive symposium by eight leading Revisionist scholars dealing with all important phases of the second world war insofar as it affected the United States, including the European background and the disastrous aftermath. Especially notable for demonstrating the determined effort of historians, newspaper editors, and commercial publishers to prevent the truth from reaching the American public, and for its exposure of the shameless efforts to stifle the truth concerning Pearl Harbor. The best general book on the causes and results of the entry of the United States into the second world war.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, The Court Historians Versus Revisionism, privately published, c. 1952.

Barnes takes apart two war-mongering books: Langer & Gleason's The Challenge To Isolation 1937-1940, and Herbert Feis's The Road to Pearl Harbor. Cynical in the extreme.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, Revisionism & Brainwashing, privately published, c. 1962.

A survey of the war-guilt question in Germany after two world wars.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, The Barnes Trilogy, IHR, 1979.

Compilation of three of Barnes' best-known Revisionist pamphlets: The Court Historians Versus Revisionism, Blasting the Historical Blackout, and Revisionism & Brainwashing (q.v.).

Barnes, Harry Elmer, Revisionism: A Key to Peace, and Other Essays, Cato Institute (Cato Paper No. 12), 1980. Introduction by James J. Martin.

The title essay, here presented for the first time since its appearance in the Spring, 1966 Rampart Journal, is the lengthy bibliographic review and summing-up of the state of Revisionism. In it Barnes develops the theme that the Historical Blackout has been supplemented by the "blur-out" (by which the Establishment at last guardedly admits longtime Revisionist contentions, but blurs them out by dwelling on a mass of irrelevant and secondary detailthe classic example being Roberta Wohlstetter's whitewash, Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision) and the "smother-out" (by which discussion of critical issues is drowned out in a cacaphony of wailing about alleged "Nazi atrocities"). Also presented here are "Revisionism and the Historical Blackout" and, for the first time, Barnes' long-suppressed essay on "How '1984' Trends Threaten American Peace, Freedom, and Prosperity."

Barnes, Harry Elmer, The Struggle Against the Historical Blackout, privately published, 9th ed. 1952.

Probably Barnes' single most important World War II Revisionist brochureand the longest, continually revised and expanded. In describing the story of the Blackout as it unfolded, Barnes reviewed each significant development in Revisionist historiography, and then examined the treatment (or lack of treatment) given by the mass media, the reviewers, and the Establishment generally. Court historians like Samuel Elliot Morison, Samuel Flagg Bemis, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Thomas A. Bailey, and assorted other Liberal ideologues learned to think twice about what they were going to say in print, knowing that Barnes would call their bluffs in future editions of this devastating brochure.

Barron, Bryton, Inside the State Department, Comet Press,

Critical and informing analysis of the make-up, policies and methods of the U.S. State Department in recent years. Reveals the growth of a large and unwieldy permanent bureaucracy which controls much policy and virtually all publication, irrespective of the party in power. Especially stresses the delays and censorship in publishing diplomatic documents which might reflect on the integrity and wisdom of the president and high officials in the State Department. Throws much light on official contributions to the "Historical Blackout."

Bartlett, Bruce R., Cover-Up: The Politics of Pearl Harbor 1941-1946, Arlington House, 1978.

Very thorough re-statement of the Revisionist position on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent cover-up by and for FDR and his henchmencontaining new findings from the National Archives. Traces the origins of American involvement in the Atlantic and Pacific theaters and the "back door to war" plan, the scapegoating of Adm. Kimmel, and the progression of the official investigations culminating in the Joint Congressional Investigation of 1946. An appendix reproduces the complete John T. Flynn pamphlet, The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor.

Bass, Herbert J. (ed.), America's Entry into World War I Dryden Press, 1964.

An "American Problem Studies" anthology, presenting differing interpretations of the reasons why America entered the war. Was the primary cause really Germany's submarine campaign against America? Or was it in fact the very un-neutral American diplomacyand the vested interest of powerful American financiers and industrialists in the ultimate victory of the Allies whom they were so abundantly and profitably supplyingthat provoked this campaign, with all its consequences? Includes selections from the Revisionist writings of Harry Elmer Barnes, Charles Callan Tansill, Horace C. Peterson, Edwin Borchard, and Paul Birdsall.

Bausman, Frederick, Facing Europe, Century, 1926.

Brilliant statement of the lessons which should have been learned from the first world war by American citizens. They were learned from 1926 to 1937, and then unlearned under the leadership of President Roosevelt.

Beale, Howard K., (ed.), Charles A. Beard: An Appraisal, University of Kentucky Press, 1954.

The memorial volume on the Revisionist whom even critics concede is the likeliest candidate for the title: greatest American historian of this century. This is not a traditional festschrift; a massive volume along that line had been planned as early as 1939, but because of Beard's foreign policy views and World War II Revisionism, many scholars and friends deserted him and the project.

Beard, C.A., American Foreign Policy in the Making, 1932-1940, Yale University Press, 1946.

Beard, C.A., President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War, 1941, Yale University Press, 1948.

These books by the late dean of American historians constitute the most complete and authoritative treatment of the evolution of Roosevelt foreign policy from isolationism to interventionism and war. The second volume is the most detailed account of Roosevelt's maneuvering the Japanese into the attack at Pearl Harbor, providing the full political and diplomatic background.

Beatty, Ilene, Arab and Jew in the Land of Canaan, Regnery, 1957

Judicious, informed and readable account of Jewish-Arab problems and relations in Palestine. An historical and analytical treatment, with reasonable suggestions for a solution short of a third world war.

Beazley, Raymond, The Road to Ruin in Europe, 1890-1914, Dent, 1932

Brilliant and realistic summary of the causes of the first world war by one of the most distinguished of contemporary British historians.

Beck, Philip Oradour Village of the Dead, Leo Cooper, 196 Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2H 8JL,, 1979

A senior British journalist describes the Oradour massacre of French civilians by Alsatian soldiers with remarkable restraint and objectivity.

Belgion, Montgomery, Victor's Justice, Regnery, 1949.

Brief but powerful pioneer work on the war-crimes trials underlining their inhumanity and injustices. Previously published in England as Epitaph on Nuremberg, Falcon Press, 1946.

Beloff, Max, The Foreign Policy of Soviet Russia, 1929-1941, 2 Vols., Oxford University Press, 1949.

The most complete and reliable account of Russian foreign policy in the decade preceding the German attack on Russia in June 1941.

Berger, Elmer, Who Knows Better Must Say So, Arnerican Council for Judaism, 1956.

First-hand observations on the Middle Eastern problems by a leader of the Jewish anti-Zionists in the United States.

Berger, Elmer, Memoirs of an Anti-Zionist Jew, Institute for Palestine Studies, 1978.

Fascinating biography of a unique rabbi.

Bethell, Lord Nicholas, The Last Secret, Basic, 1974.

Adds much material to Epstein's research on the repatriations of Russians and their families who ended the war on the wrong (i.e. losing) side.

Bewley, Charles, Hermann Göring and the Third Reich, Devin-Adair, 1962.

The first ever full-scale Revisionist treatment of the life of a major figure of the Third Reich. Bewley was Irish Minister to Berlin in pre-war days, and knew Göring well. He explodes a lot of myths about Göring the man and the statesman, but does not spare him certain criticisms. The last 100 pages are an extended treatment of the Nurnberg Trial and Göring's role in it. Highlighted is his brilliant performance under Justice Jackson's cross-examination, which reduced the U.S. Prosecutor to fits of trembling incoherency. Bewley also conclusively proves that the Reichsmarshall knew nothing of any "extermination" plan. This massive (500-page) tome remains the definitive biography of Hitler's second-in-command

Bishop, Jim, FDR's Last Year, Hart-Davis, McGibbon (London), 1975.

Details the fantastic cover-up involving medical men and government officials alike, of the state of the President's physical and mental health in the crucial last year of the war. The image of Roosevelt at Yalta is that of a sick and hopelessly naive old man, hypnotized by his own platitudes, who didn't know what was going on. What "went on," of course, was the caning up of Eastern Europe for Uncle Joe.

Borchard, E.M., and Lage, W.P., Neutrality for the United States, Yale University Press, 1940.

The first half of this book is an unrivalled and extremely competent indictment of the Wilson-Lansing diplomacy for its drastic departures from neutrality and strict international law.

Borning, Bernard C., The Political and Social Thought of Charles A. Beard, University of Washington Press, 1962.

A vast, scholarly work on a vast subject indeedthe mind of Charles Beard. Traces the roots, development, and culmination of Beard's thoughts about American society and politicsincluding international politics. Shows how Beard drastically revised his early conclusions on "economic determinism" as a factor in history, and came to believe that ours is a "new and dangerous Age" that has witnessed the rise of political (i.e., total-cultural) determinism. Explores the relationship between Beard's foreign policy ideas and his Revisionism.

Brandenberg, Erich, From Bismarck to the World War, Oxford University Press, 1927.

Good summary from the German viewpoint by one of the ablest of modern German historians, and a specialist on ths period.

Brandt, Karl, Germany is Our Problem, Human Affairs (Regnery), 1946.

Brandt, Karl, Is There Still a Chance for Germany ?, Regnery, 1949.

Brandt, Karl, Germany: Key to Peace in Europe, Claremont College, 1949.

Three works critical of Germanophobia and its dubious and immoral practical postwar results, by the distinguished agricultural economist of Stanford University's Food Research Institute The first two are pamphlets lamenting the vengeful policy of "Morgenthauism" whereby Germans were to be systematically starved by not allowing them to produce enough to pay for their own food. The last is a book which, although strongly anti-Nazi defends the German people and holds that European unity and independence can only be accomplished by the integration into Europe of a reconstructed Germany as a strong and equal partner. Brandt reviews American foreign policy toward Germany and points out the incredible blindness toward Soviet intentions and the counter-productive stupidity of the Morgenthau-inspired postwar plans which characterized this policy.

Brittain,Vera, Massacre by Bombing, New Vision Publishing Company, 1944.

A courageous wartime exposé of the British American policy of area-bombing German civilian centers, by a prominent English writer-lecturer. Put out under the auspices of the heretical Bombing Restriction Committee, this book gained a considerable amount of publicity since it set the liberal wolf-pack howling. These ardent pen-wielding defenders of (but rarely front-line fighters for) "democracy," "humanity," and "goodness," were forced by Miss Brittain's inconvenient revelations and her passionate moral outrage to either some how "defend" the slaughter-from-the-air of thousands of innocents ("scientific baby-killing") or to challenge her claims as to the official nature and extent of the bombings. Of the first tactic, the less said the betterthough the wartime hate-writings of the Establishment press, evidencing its moral bankruptcy. do make interesting reading today. Of the second, her horrific assertions were indeed complacently admitted in the later official military histories and the memoirs of those involved in Bomber Command.

Brown, E.C. The Enemy at His Back, Bookmailer, (New York). 1957.

Historical background of the pro-Russian policy of Roosevelt and his associates at Yalta and before, which prolonged war with Japan, and made unnecessary and fatal concessions to Stalin at Yalta. Walter Trohan has shown that Roosevelt had received, even before he left for Yalta, Japanese peace terms virtually identical with those accepted in August after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Butterfield, Herbert, History and Human Relations, Macmillan, 1952.

Able collection of essays by a distinguished English historian who was not carried away by wartime propaganda. Contains a classic chapter on "Official History: Its Pitfalls and Criteria."

Butz, Arthur, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, IHR, 1979.

The most scientific and comprehensive research work to date exploding virtually all the standard myths of the "Holocaust," including the "six million" yarn, the "gas chambers," the alleged genocide policy and many others.

Cadin, Martin, The Night Hamburg Died, Ballantine, 1960.

Accurate and dramatic presentation of the bombing and burning of Hamburg, which ranked next to the destruction of Dresden as the worst Allied bombing atrocity in World War II.

Callander, Thomas, The Athenian Empire and the British, London: Weidenfeld, and Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1961.

A trenchant little volume by a famous classical scholar with a wide knowledge of the first World War, pointing up the serious responsibilities of the British and the parallels between the lack of statesmanlike foresight alike of the leaders of the Athenian and British empires.

Calleo David The German Problem Reconsidered, Cambridge University Press, 1978.

A series of brilliant essays by a Johns Hopkins professor, offering provocative Revisionist interpretations of the "German Problem," 1870 to the present. Focuses on the geo-political role of a unified Germany arriving "late" in the European community during Europe's expansionist phase, and the hypocritical double standard with which other nations and their "victors' history" have viewed Germany's attempts to gain her rightful place, and to act as Europe s bulwark against the East. This is a good antidote to court historian Gordon A. Craig's Germany : 1866-1945 (a sophisticated example of the Vansittart-Shirer-Hearnshaw school of "history"), which appeared at the same time.

Cameron, E.R., Prologue to Appeasement, American Council on Public Affairs (Washington, D.C.), 1942.

Scholarly account of French foreign policy from 1933-1936. Reveals some of the main trends that matured and converged in 1939.

Carr, E. H., German-Soviet Relations Between the two World Wars, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1951.

Brief but authoritative survey of relations between Germany and Russia under the Weimar Republic and the National Socialist regime of Hitler by a leading English authority on recent Russian history.

Carr, E. H., International Relations Between the Wars, Macmillan, 194 7.

Carr, E. H., The Twenty Years Crisis, Macmillan, 1951.

Two excellent books on the period between the two World Wars by a leading English specialist in international relations and diplomacy. The first is an objective treatment of the political and diplomatic history of this period, and is very critical of Versailles. The second provides a very realistic analysis of international relations and the so-called morality of nations.

Castle, E.W., Billions, Blunders and Baloney, Devin-Adair, 1955.

A forceful exposure of the extent, nature, costs and results of the "hand-out" and "give-away" program of the United States in foreign aid since 1945. The story thoroughly matches that of the "Truman scandals" in domestic policy during the same period, and the financial balance-sheet is far more appalling.

Castle, E.W., The Great Giveaway: The Realities of Foreign Aid, Regnery, 1957.

Brings his earlier book up to date and draws the logical conclusions as to the results of this policy, both economic and political.

Chamberlin, W. H., America's Second Crusade, Ralph Myles 1961.

The best book for the general reader on the entry of the United States into the second world war. Treats the historical background after 1919, and is especially full on the disastrous results of American entry into the war. Comparable to Millis' Road to War on American participation in the first world war.

Chambers, F. P., The War Behind the War, 1914-1918, Harcourt, Brace, 1939.

Substantial and stimulating work on developments behind the scenes during the first world war, many of which belied the wartime propaganda and "war aims" and helped to produce the post-war crises.

Chesterton, A.K., The New Unhappy Lords, Christian Book Club,1979.

This former editor of "The Blackshirt," cousin of the novelist, and late chairman of the British National Front, provides an interesting analysis of post-WWII events.

Christophersen, Thies, Auschwitz: Truth or Lie, Samisdat, Toronto, 1974.

A German botanist who worked at Auschwitz relates how he never saw any evidence of "gas chambers."

Churchill Revised: A Critical Assessment, Dial Press, 1969.

This symposium, which cannot be described as an "anti-festschrift" only because of the judiciousness with which its extremely critical interpretations are presented, consists of five essays by British scholars interpreting various elements of Churchill's career. A.J.P. Taylor explores Churchill the Statesman; J.H. Plumb, the Historian; Robert Rhodes James, the Politican; Basil Liddell Hart, the Military Strategist; Anthony Storr presents a psychoanalytic profile. Taken together, the picture that emerges is in considerable contrast to the "Great Man" image so assiduously cultivated by the historical Establishment.

Cochran, M.H., Germany Not Guilty in 1914, Stratford Press, 1931.

A devasting refutation of the thesis of primary German responsibility for the first world war, as embodied in Bernadotte Schmitt's The Coming of the War, Scribner, 1930, the final and most voluminous American effort to pin responsibility for the war on Germany.

Cohen, Warren I., The American Revisionists : The Lessons of Intervention in World War I. University of Chicago Press, 1967.

An examination of the Revisionist controversy in America after the first world war, with particular attention paid to the interwar Revisionist careers of Harry Elmer Barnes, Charles Beard, C. Hartley Grattan, Walter Millis, and Charles Callan Tansill.

Colby, Benjamin, 'Twas a Famous Victory, Arlington House, 1974.

Deception and black propaganda in the war against Germany.

Cole, Charles R., The Mind of A.J.P. Taylor, Claremont Graduate School, 1971

An analysis of A J.P. Taylor and his historical writings, including his World War II Revisionism. Taylor is seen as a true individualist, having no use for the politico-historical dogmatics of either Left or Right. This work remains an unpublished Master's thesis.

Cole, G.D.H., A Guide Through World Chaos, Knopf, 1932.

Able and incisive obituary of the collapse of the war aims of the Allies in the post-war world.

Cole, W.S., America First: the Battle against Intervention 1940-1941 University of Wisconsin Press, 1953.

Competent account of the activities of the chief organization which sought to maintain American neutrality and keep the United States out of the second world war. Not sympathetic but neither is the book a smear.

Connors, Michael F., Dealing In Hate, Institute for Historical Review, 1979.

Excellent pamphlet on the efforts of the Allies to arouse primitive emotions amongst their populations. Covers Vansittart in some detail. Originally published by Britons (London) in 1966, and in USA by Citizens Council (1962 ?) as The Development of Germanophobia.

Cook, Chris, & Sked, Alan, (eds), Crisis and Controversy : Essays in Honour of A.J P. Taylor, Macmillan, 1976.

The festschrift for the most widely-read, and publicly-discussed, contemporary British historian. The essays explore his impact on British and Continental historiography; Donald Watt contributes a comprehensive examination of Taylor's theories on appeasement in the thirties, and how these have affected the historical consensus.

Cowling, Maurice, The Impact of Hitler, Cambridge University Press, 1975.

A forthright British Revisionist assessment of the politics of appeasement in the thirties. The author blasts many of the sacred cows about the "inevitablility" of the war and the "cowardice" of appeasement, and dissects the twisted logic of the Churchill-Eden-Halifax war party demonstrating how their aggressive stances related to internal political considerations. Cowling suggests that appeasement, far from being wrong, did not go far enough. The policy pursued by Chamberlain and Halifax was not real appeasement but British opposition at almost every turn to Hitler's legitimate goals in revising the Versailles settlement; the "appeasement" part of it was only that Britain would back down in the end humiliating steps that need never have been taken had she minded her own business and, after Munich, not strewn useless and provocative guarantees around. Chamberlain's mistake was not the inevitable abandonment of the internally disintegrating, crazy-quilt state of Czechoslovakia in 1939, but the giving of a guarantee to her in September 1938 which set in motion the disastrous course of continental involvements, more guarantees to more states, that culminated in the declaration of war on Germany in September 1939. Cowling implies that the wisest British policy would have been one of rearmament and disinterestedness in Eastern Europe, and he questions whether Hitler really had any designs, short-term or otherwise, on Britain.

The Crime of Katyn: Facts and Documents, Polish Cultural Foundation (London), 1965.

A comprehensive collection of original source materials documenting one of the most gruesome, yet relatively unsung, atrocities of the second world war.

Crocker, George N., Roosevelt's Road to Russia, Regnery, 1959. Also in a Gateway paperback edition.

Brilliantly written account of the Allied Wartime Conferences, especially indicating their effect on the growth of Soviet power.

Current, R N, Secretary Stimson, Rutgers University Press, 1954.

Readable and authoritative account of the public life of Henry L. Stimson whose non-recognition, sanction list, and other related doctrines played a leading role in bringing the United States into war in 1941, after he had failed to do so in the Far East in 1932.

Dacey, Norman F., "Democracy " in Israel, American Palestine Committee, 1976, reprinted 1980 by IHR.

The noted economist sheds some brilliant light on the darker corners of Israeli society

Dall, Curtis B., FDR: My Exploited Father-In-Law, Liberty Lobby, 1970.

Revealing memoir of Roosevelt and his coterie of cronies and "advisors" (Hopkins, Baruch, Morgenthau, Frankfurter White-Weiss, et al. ). Traces the culture-distorting influence of these and others over the President and the country, which could (and was meant to) lead only to war.

Dalleck, Robert, (ed.), The Roosevelt Diplomacy and World War II, Holt, Rhinehart & Winston, 197 0.

An anthology in the "American Problems Studies" series. This fair-minded offering of contrasting Revisionist and orthodox interpretations of Roosevelt foreign policy considers the question of America's entry into the war, but tackles also the issues of U.S. war aims and wartime diplomacy especially as regards "unconditional surrender" and the legacy of the Yalta conference.

Dallin, D.J., Soviet Russia's Foreign Policy, 1939-1942, Yale University Press, 1942.

Good summary in English of Russo-German relations between the Pact of 1939 and the outbreak of war in 1941. Critical of Soviet diplomacy.

Dank, Milton, The French Against the French, Cassell, 1974.

A fair and documented account of the French collaboration with the German occupation forces during WWII.

Delmer, Sefton, Black Boomerang, Secker and Warburg, 1962

Authoritative account of the amazing operations of British political warfare against Germany in World War II through what was known as "black propaganda ".

Davis Jr., Franklin M., Come As Conqueror, Macmillan, 1967.

An unofficial, but highly revealing, account of occupation of Germany. Candid admissions regarding the attitude taken toward German civilians.

Dennis, Lawrence, and St. George, Maximilian, A Trial on Trial, National Civil Rights Committee (Chicago), 1946.

A first-hand completely documented account of notorious Sedition Trial of 1944-1945 which was based upon the doctrine of "guilt by association." When the same doctrine was later turned on the liberals and radicals who helped to foment the Sedition Trial they protested with great vehemence against any such invasion of civil liberties.

Dennis, Lawrence, The Dynamics of War and Revolution, Harper 1940, reprinted 1980 by IHR, with introduction by James J. Martin.

Penetrating analysis of the operational aspects of the international forces that promoted war after 1919. His thesis is amply confirmed by developments from 1939 to the present day.

Dickens, (Admiral) Gerald, Bombing and Strategy, Sampson, Low and Marston (London), 1947.

A leading British military authority indicts the "hate Germany" school of strategy, the unconditional surrender policy, and saturation bombing of civilians.

Dickinson, G.L., The International Anarchy, 1904-1914, Century, 1926.

The best general work by an-English scholar on tha causes of, and responsibility for, the first world war.

Dirksen, Herbert von, Moscow, Tokyo, London : Twenty Years of German Foreign Policy (1919-1939), University of Oklahoma Press, 1952.

Memoirs of one of the abler German diplomats who served between the two world wars. Opposed Hitler's foreign policy, especially after 1937. Valuable for observations on British policy in 1938-1939, when von Dirksen was the German ambassador in London. Documents later available show that he greatly exaggerated British willingness to negotiate in 1939.

Divine, Robert A., (ed.), Causes and Consequences of World War II, Quadrangle, 1969.

An anthology of differing interpretations of the origins diplomatic conduct, and legacy of America's participation in World War II. Topics explored include Roosevelt's "quarantine" speech, Pearl Harbor, unconditional surrender, Yalta, the atomic bomb, and the origins of the Cold War. Assembled mainly from the "New Left" Revisionist and anti-Internationalist point-of-view.

Dobson, Miller & Payne, The Cruelest Night, Little Brown, 1979.

The previously untold story of the greatest maritime atrocity of all time. In 1945 the Soviets deliberately torpedoed three German refugee ships in the Baltic. 18,000 were killed, almost all of them civilians.

Doenecke, Justus D., The Literature of Isolationism, Ralph Myles, 1972.

Excellent and astonishingly comprehensive bibliography, in running-text form, of non-interventionist scholarship, 1930-72. Includes books, pamphlets, articles, reviews, manuscripts and collections, Ph.D. and Masters dissertations/theses, and oral history projects. While not dealing with Revisionism per se, there is much material of value on Revisionist trends, historians, and publicists. Especially good for the scholarship of the interwar years.

Doenecke, Justus D., Not to the Swift: The Old Isolationists in the Cold War Era, Associated University Presses, 1979.

One of America's leading historians of Isolationism here considers the varying approaches to the emerging Cold War, 1943-1954, taken by the pre-1941 Isolationists. He condemns the "Authorized Version" of the Isolationist movement (as interpreted by the court historians of the FDR era and their heirs of the present) as incredibly superficial, and demonstrates that the Isolationists far from being simple-minded, head-in-the-sand folks were actually of quite widely varying ideological hues, many being extremely internationalist-minded on all issues except war And he suggests that they may well have been vindicated in their World War II views by the disastrous course of postwar events. An excellent chapter, "The Revisionist Counteroffensive: The Battle of the Books," analyzes the crucial debate over how the U.S. got into World War II.

Donnelly, Desmond, Struggle for the World: The Cold War, St. Martin's Press, 1965.

Detailed history of the Cold War from 1917 to 1965. The best historical presentation, non-Revisionist in nature.

Durham, Edith, The Serajevo Crime, Allen and Unwin (London), 1925.

Good summary by an English expert on the subject. The most complete works on the subject by M. Bogitschevlch have never been translated into English

Eggleston, George T., Roosevelt, Churchill and the World War II Opposition, Devin-Adair, 1979.

A Revisionist autobiography by one of the few writers to oppose intervention in WWII. Fascinating parallels with the smearing of modern "Holocaust ' Revisionists.

Ekirch, A.A. Jr., The Civilian and the Military, Oxford University Press, 1956.

An able historical survey of the relations between the civilian population and the military establishment throughout American history. The concluding portion treats of the enormous recent growth of military power over our government and its political and economic policy.

Eich, Hermann, The Unloved Germans, Stein and Day, 1965.

A brilliant and restrained interpretation of Germany and of German ideals and political policies, especially during the National Socialist and post-War periods, by a leading German Journalist. Strongly anti-Hitler.

Engelbrecht, H. C. and Hanighen, Frank, Merchants of Death, Dodd, Mead, 1934.

Exposure of the propaganda and achievements of the armament industry in fomenting and exploiting war. Probably the best reflection of the implications of the Nye Committee investigation of the armament moguls.

Ennes, James M., Assault on the Liberty, Random House, 1979.

The best book written so far on the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. Ennes was a crew member. First class research and true "survivor testimony."

Epstein, Julius, Operation Keelhaul, Devin-Adair, 1973.

The very first book to expose the betrayal of thousands of anti-Communist Russians, sent to their deaths in the USSR by Churchill and Truman.

Ewart, J.S., The Roots and Causes of the Wars, 2 Vols., Dora, 1925.

A comprehensive and decisively Revisionist work by a distinguished Canadian jurist. Is especially severe on British diplomats.

Fabre-Luce, Alfred, The Limitations of Victory, Knopf, 1926.

Most forthright of the substantial French Revisionist books on 1914. Decisively rejects the thesis of primary German responsibility for the first world war

Farr, Finis, FDR, Arlington House, 1972.

A lively and scathingly critical biography, rivalling John T. Flynn's classic 7he Roosevelt Myth as the book doing the best job on the war-President. Farr rather skims over Roosevelt's specific role in anticipating Pearl Harbor, but extended treatment is given his general two-year plan to get an unwilling America into war. We see how the "indispensable man" in the White House relished his role as wartime leader (especially as it took his mind off all those boring domestic problems), and just how his famous "charm" worked (?) on good old Uncle Joe Stalin at the Big Three conferences. Farr sees FDR as perfector of the role of king-President. a tradition developed bv Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, and one which has left an awful legacy for today.

Faurisson, Robert, The "Problem of the 'Gas Chambers' " or "The Rumor of Auschwitz," Revisionist Press, 1979.

A translation and reprint, in brochure form, of Faurisson's controversial series of articles in Le Monde of Dec.-Jan. 1978-1979. Centering his argument that the "Holocaust" never happened on the specific question of the existence or non-existence of "gas chambers," Prof Faurisson completely demolishes the claims of such critics of Revisionism as Martin Broszat and Leon Poliakov. Indeed, he points out that Broszat (of the left-wing Institute for Contemporary History in Munich) had to admit in 1960 that none of the camps in Germany proper were "extermination camps" or had gas chambersthus reducing to nothing the thousands of "testimonies" and "proofs" of alleged gassings at these places. Faurisson's analysis of the camps in Polandincluding a minutely-detailed study of Auschwitzleads him to conclude that all of the claims regarding these camps are just as false. In a forthcoming book he will present his researches and conclusions in full.

Fay, S. B., The Origins of the World War, 2 Vols., Macmillan, 1928 (2nd edition in one volume, Macmillan, 1930).

The standard scholarly treatise on the causes of, and responsibilities for, the first world war. The first volume covers the period from 1871 to 1914.

Fehrenbach, T. R., FDR's Undeclared War, David McKay Co., 1967.

This book marked something of a watershed in the approach to FRD's foreign policy by his admirers. Fehrenbach lays it all out: the Rooseveltian attempts to create a war-provoking "incident" in the Atlantic in 1941, Roosevelt's lying about the facts of the naval "incidents" after they backfired, his determination to get America into war somehow, and his recognition that the "back door" of the Pacific might be the way. No longer do any real scholarseven the most vociferous pro-Roosevelt onesattempt to hide or gloss over the facts of FDR's "undeclared war"; thus there has finally emerged a general acceptance of at least a part of the Revisionist view of the events of 1939-41, and the Rauch- Feis school of idolatory Roosevelt-defense is surely dead. Fehrenbach admires Roosevelt's "initiative" and "foresight" in moving America toward what he thought of as an "inevitable conflict," but he does express some concern over the resultant precedents set in the area of presidential prerogative.

Felderer, Ditlieb, Anne Frank's DiaryA Hoax, IHR, 1980.

Provocative thesis by a Swedish Jehovah's Witness. The author's correspondence with Anne's father is particularly enlightening. Many illustrations, including comparative examples of "Anne's" handwriting.

Fish, Hamilton, FDR: The Other Side of the Coin, Vantage, 1976, paperback edition, IHR, 1980.

Subtitled "How We Were Tricked into World War II," this memoir-history by the venerable and vocal non-interventionist congressman (ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs committee during the war) runs through the entire litany of FDR's "dirty tricks" in getting America into the war it did not want. Most of the research is drawn from other published sources, but as an introduction to these, and as an account of Fish's own thoughts and experiences at the time, the book has value. It also has its faults: there is some (conscious or unconscious) plagiarization from John T. Flynn's The Roosevelt Myth, and in his analysis of Winston Churchill Fish falls wide of the mark. This book was written before the pioneering Revisionist studies of the "holocaust" became known, so Fish may be forgiven his especial pride at having fallen for the "Jewish genocide" yarn even before the Roosevelt administration did.

FitzGibbon, Louis, Katyn, IHR, 1979.

FitzGibbon's 1971 work Katyn : A Crime Without Parallel brought up to date. Describes the atrocity and the attempts made by the Anglo-Americans to cover up for the Soviets, right up to the present day.

Fleming, D. F., The Cold War and Its Origins (2 vols.), Doubleday, 1961.

A monumental Revisionist history and analysis of the Cold War, but strongly anti-Revisionist on Germany and World War II.

Flynn, J. T., As We Go Marching, Doubleday, Doran, 1944.

A courageous and well-reasoned book indicating the trends toward military state capitalism in the United States as a result of our intervention in foreign wars.

Flynn, J. T., The Decline of the American Republic, Devin-Adair, 1955.

Supplements his earlier book by a brief historical treatment of the rise and fall of the republican tradition and system in the United States. Unfortunately, fails to stress the role of militarism and intervention in this process, the vital significance of which the author is so well aware.

Flynn, John T., The Roosevelt Myth, Devin-Adair, 1948.

1948a bad year for the FDR sanctifiers and historical flacks who were out to preserve in perpetuity the holy memory of America's great fuehrer. For in that year appeared not only Charles A. Beard's monumental President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War 1941, but this striking biography, which the hagiographers have cringed at ever since. Surprisingly, this book actually managed to pierce somewhat the Historical Blackout, becoming a best-seller and going through 19 editions. In 1939, Roosevelt in a private letter to an influential editor had personally tried to get John T. Flynn "barred hereafter from the columns of any presentable daily paper, monthly magazine, or national quarterly." Such totalitarian tactics did not work, and Flynn survived the President to writeas a journalistic veteran uniquely equipped to do sothe story of Roosevelt as it had never been told before. The private character of the man is explored at length, as well as his political rise, the New Deal, the devious roads to war in the Atlantic and Pacific, and the sell-outs at the Big Three conferences.

Flynn, John T., The Smear Terror, privately published, 1947.

In this lengthy pamphlet Flynn rips into and exposes the nefarious doings of the private Jewish and Liberal "gestapos" that terrorized American noninterventionists before and during the Second World War. The real aim of such groups as the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, the Friends of American Democracy, and, of course, the omnipresent Anti-(sic) Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, was not to expose "Fifth Columnists" and "Fascist saboteurs" (who were practically nonexistent), but to smear and defame responsible and respected critics of the FDR war-policy by falsely linking them to various rabble-rousing fringe groups. Particular attention is paid here to the case of "John Roy Carlson" (pseud. of Avedis Derounian), whose collection of lies titled Undercover: My Four Years in the Nazi Underworld of America, had a tremendous sale with the gullible wartime public. Flynn exposes the secret ADL backing of Derounian, and reviews each of those four court cases where Derounian was dismissed in judicial review as a liar and libeler.

Frey, Richard Clark, Jr., John T. Flynn and the United States in Crisis 1928-50, University of Oregon, 1969.

An unpublished doctoral dissertation, currently being expanded for publication as a full-length biography. Covers all phases of Flynn's most productive yearsfrom his crusading liberalism (of the true variety that was virtually wiped out by FDR and the war), his early support, then renunciation, of the New Deal, his lonely and controversial years as the New Republic's only noninterventionist columnist, his involvement with America First, the writing of his Revisionist studies of the war, to his critique of postwar America as a State-capitalist global monstrosity.

Fuller, (General) J. F. C., The Second World War, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1949.

A leading military authority condemns the WWII Allied "dirty tricks."

Garrett, Garet, The American Story, Regnery, 1955.

Veteran journalist summarizes in brilliant fashion the disastrous impact of interventionism and globaloney on the American Republic.

Gelfand, L. E., The Inquiry: American Preparations for Peace, 1917-1919, Yale University Press, 1963.

Masterly account of Arnerican preparations for the ill-fated Treaty of Versailles.

Glaser, Kurt, Czecho-Slovakia: A Critical History, Caxton, 1961.

A realistic account for a change of the synthetic state created out of the Austro-Hungary Empire after 1918, devoid of the romantic fiction about its founding Bohemian political æhemers. Prof. Glaser stresses the built-in weaknesses resulting from its nearly 50% non-Bohemian minorities, and the drastic consequences of the decisions which led to the confrontation with its German ethnics, the slide toward pro-Stalinist accommodation and the related policies which found it becoming the most docile Soviet puppet occupying the lands behind the Iron Curtain after 1948.

Goddard, Arthur, editor, Harry Elmer Barnes: Learned Crusader, Ralph Myles, 1968.

Barnes died just before this massive "festschrift" was published. This great tome represents a tribute to his encyclopedic scholarship by his students and colleagues, many of whom are outstanding Revisionists in their own right today.

Goering, Hermann, Goering's Last Letter: To Winston Churchill, translated and originally published 1949 by Johann Shoeman, Sons of Liberty reprint, 1976.

The complete text of Goering's famous letter to Churchill, smuggled out of the Nurnberg jail days before he was scheduled to hang. In this remarkable and prophetic political document, Goeringin a mellow mood, resigned to his fate and satisfied that he did what he could at Nurnberg to rectify for posterity the true meaning of the Third Reich and its struggle for Europe against Bolshevismtells Churchill that his "victory" over Germany will prove hollow indeed, as a "victory" over someone not a real foe is no victory at all but a defeat. This edition contains much extraneous material by the publisher.

Gollancz, Victor, Our Threatened Values, Regnery, 1946.

Gollancz, Victor, In Darkest Germany, Regnery, 1947.

Two books by a leftist British publicist, containing a mass of documentary material on Allied, especially British, conduct in Germany during and after the war which reflects seriously on the British pose of superior morality.

Gollancz, Victor, Shall Our Children Live or Die ?, Gollancz, 1942.

The courageous British leftist publisher explains why he refuses to "hate" Germany and the Germans, and decries the "savage appeal to primitive blood lust and a base propaganda of hatred and revenge" which are the hallmarks of Vansittartism.

Grattan, C. H., The Deadly Parallel, Stackpole, 1939.

Astute prediction that the interventionist trends of 1914-1917 would be repeated after 1937 and that the Unite States would be involved in a second world war.

Grattan, C. H., Why We Fought, Vanguard, 1929.

The pioneer work for the general reader on the intervention of the United States in the first world war. Sound on all essential points,

Grenfell, Russell, Unconditional Hatred, Devin Adair, 1953.

One of the most courageous and absorbing books in the whole of Revisionist literature, by England's leading naval historian. Indicts and refutes the senseless hatred of Germany by the British, and realistically analyzes British responsibilities in both world wars, emphasizing the disastrous results. The book completely obliterates the fantastic literature of Germanophobia, such as Richard Brickner, Is Germany Incurable? F. J. C. Hearnshaw, Germany the Aggressor Throughout the Ages; T. N. Kaufman, Germany Must Perish; Henry Morgenthau Jr., Germany is Our Problem ; Louis Nizer. What to Do With Germanv: Lord Robert Vansittart, The Black Record and Lessons of My Life; Paul Winkler, The Thousand Year Conspiracy; Knight Patterson, Germany from Defeat to Conquest; and Brian Connell, A Watcher on the Rhine.

Grieb, Conrad K., Justice Like Charity Begins at Home, Pioneer News Service, 1945.

A long open letter to President Truman, reprinted in pamphlet form. In the face of the proposed "war crimes" trials of German leaders, Grieb appeals for a justice based on the true (not the ''official'') facts of the war's originsespecially the role played by America via Roosevelt and his roving ambassador William C. Bullitt in transforming a European border-crisis into a world war. Considering that only America's entry into the war made possible the devastation of Western Europe, Grieb wonders whether a true postwar "justice" would not involve bringing the bar America's own war criminals.

Grieb, Conrad K., Uncovering The Forces For War, Examiner Books, 1947

Interprets as one of the main causes of this century's wars the influence over governments of the representatives of stateless, rootless International Finance.

Grieb, Conrad, American Manifest Destiny and The Holocausts, Examiner Books, P.O. Box 783, New York City, NY 10022, 1979.

An interesting collection of documents regarding the "other Holocausts" when millions of non-Jews were exterminated by the forces of Zionism, Interventionism and Communism.

Griffin, G. Edward, The Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations, Western Islands, 1964.

If there is one work that can counteract the universal effects of elaborate and expensive pro-UN propaganda, this is it. A dispassionate, fact-filled compendium of what this super-national organization has really been doing in the name of "peace and humanitarianism." Should our children's civics and history texts be revised to incorporate this shocking data, the one-world government, globalony syndrome would be dealt a severe and lasting blow. This is the definitive book on the real UN.

Grimm, Hans, Answer of a German: An Open Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Euphenon Books (London), 1952.

Effective retort, with much valid material, to the British political and ecclesiastical moralizing on the crimes and inferiorities of the Germans. Grimm's brilliant study of Hitler and his policy, Warum, woher, aber, wohin? has not been translated into English

Grimstad, William N., The Six Million Reconsidered, Noontide, 1979.

An American journalist examines the psyche behind the myth-manufacturing of the Holocaustees. Professionally illustrated and attractively presented.

Grondzins, Morton, Americans Betrayed, University of Chicago Press, 1949.

One of the first to condemn the internment of Japanese-Americans in West Coast concentration camps.

Gun, Nerin E., The Day of the Americans, Fleet, 1966.

Candid admissionswith photographsof the murder of German guards at Dachau by the U.S. "liberators." Written by a Turkish inmate.

Hagood, Johnson, We Can De fend America, Doubleday, 1937.

Authoritative defense of the thesis that American security in the 1930's was compatible with neutrality, by another American general of the type which has all but disappeared from the contemporary scene.

Hale. O. J., Germany and the Diplomatic Revolution, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1931.

Competent and scholarly Revisionist book which clears Germany of the common charge of primary responsibility for the trend of European diplomacy toward war in the pre-1914 days.

Hallgren, Mauritz, A Tragic Fallacy: A Study of America's War Policies, Knopf, 1937.

Very able indictment of the interventionist policies of the United States from Wilson to Roosevelt. An extremely stimulating work reflecting the anti-war sentiment of the 1930's.

Hamilton, Alastair, The Appeal of Fascism, Macmillan, 1971.

A refreshingly objective country-by-country study of those European intellectuals and artists who, convinced of the decadence of modern society, found in one or another variety of fascism the saving creed of the West. Includes discussions of Croce, Gentile, Pirandello, Spengler, Junger, Heidegger, Cocteau, Céline, Drieu La Rochelle, Brasillach, Yeats, Pound, Eliot, Mosley, Wyndham Lewis, Campbell, and even Shaw (who, though of course never a fascist, saw a lot of truth in the fascist critique of liberal-capitalist democracy). This book presents a convincing alternative for those who, after the assault of mass-media propaganda and pseudo-history, suppose that fascism was only a gutter-level movement of ignorance and blind reaction.

Hankey, Lord Maurice, Politics: Trials and Errors, Regnery, 1950.

Brief but effective critique of the whole war-crimes episode and policies by a distinguished English statesman and jurist.

Harris, Sir Arthur, Bomber Offensive, Collins (London), 1947.

The head of the British Air Force in the second world war confirms Mr Spaight's assertion of British initiative in bombing of civilians, and admits that Germany lost the "Battle of Britain" primarily because her original bombers, designed for tactical operations, were not armed to carry on this kind of air warfare. He asserts that the RAF could shoot them down as easily "as shooting cows in a pasture."

Hart, B. H. L., The Revolution in Warfare Faber and Faber, London, 1946

Leading English military writer deals with the introduction of strategic bombing as a barbarous innovation in military methods.

Hart, B. H. L., The German Generals Talk, Morrow, 1943.

Remarkable collection of statements of German military commanders after the second world war dealing with Nazi military strategy and political policy during wartime. Reveals Hitler's fundamental desire for friendship with Great Britain and proves that Nazi Germany constituted no direct threat to the security or prestige of that country.

Hart, B. H. L., The War in Outline, Random House, 1936.

Brilliant and informed indictment of military stupidity in the first world war.

Harwood, Richard, Six Million Lost And Found, Historical Review Press, 1974.

The original title was Did Six Million Really Die? but this had to be changed to get around a ban on the book in the Republic of South Africa. This short magazine-style publication has been responsible for converting untold thousands of people to the Revisionist cause, despite its several flaws. It has been translated into a dozen languages, and has had a circulation of over one million.

Harwood, Richard, Nuremberg & Other War Crimes TrialsA New Look, Historical Review Press, 1978.

Much better than his earlier work, Harwood here presents a detailed, well-researched, andabove allan accurate, description of these one-sided kangaroo courts. Much of the material is primary research, although he also draws on Butz and Colby.

Hastings, Max, Bomber Command, Dial, 1979.

An objective assessment of the strategic bombing offensive waged by the British against Germany 1939-45. Fully covers the controversy surrounding terror bombing against civilian targets.

Hayes, Paul M., Quisling, David & Charles, 1971.

A fair and objective account of a man whose name has been as unfairly used in the English language as "blitz."

Hecht, Ben, Perfidy, Julian Messner, 1961.

No one is more vitriolic about Zionism than this one-time ardent Zionist who saw the light. Deals extensively with wartime Zionist collaboration with the Nazis.

Helmreich, E. C., The Diplomacy of the Balkan Wars, Harvard University Press, 1938.

Detailed and reliable study of the Balkan situation prior to the first world war and of the diplomatic activities and intrigues which lay back of Austro-Russian friction and the outbreak of the war in 1914.

Hewins, Ralph, Quisling: Prophet Without Honor, W. H. Allen, 1965.

Revisionist study of Quisling, his operations and fate. Holds that if Norway had listened to Quisling and armed, it would never have surrendered to Germany.

Hilder, Anthony J., The War Lords of Washington, Educator Publications, Box 333, Fullerton, CA 92632.

A 50 page transcript of an interview with Colonel Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law, about Roosevelt's chicanery over Pearl Harbor.


Fest, Joachim, Hitler, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974.

Maser, Werner, Hitler: Legend, Myth, and Reality, Harper & Row,1975.

Maser, Werner, Hitler's Letters and Notes, Harper & Row, 1975.

Stone, Norman, Hitler, Little Brown & Co., 1980.

No writer has yet attempted, nor would any major publisher dare bring out, a full-scale Revisionist biography of Adolf Hitler. It will clearly be some time before we see the realization of the philosopher Francis Parker Yockey's prediction (in Imperium) that readers of the year 2050 will see Hitler in a quite different light than did contemporaries. The books here, while certainly not "Revisionist" in the usual sense of the term, and whose authors would doubtless not appreciate that designation, nevertheless throw significant new light on Hitler and, by approaching the subject rather more objectively than has been common, accomplish to a degree the rescue of history from the Liberals who certainly deride the "simplistic" use by others of a "devil theory" to explain things, but who eagerly apply it themselves in the case of Hitler. Fest states at the outset in his massive study that had Hitler died in 1939, he would be widely admired as one of the greatest political leaders and statesmen in all history. He also provides perhaps the best description yet of Hitler's dream of a New Europe; somehowif one is knowledgeable enough to discount the lurid atrocity-mongeringit does not sound so bad! Maser's biography provides a myth-shattering look at Hitler the human being, and stresses his late-in-life medical condition (and his fears about it) as a significant factor influencing his time-table for the destruction of Soviet Communism and the reordering of Eastern Europe. In his study of Hitler's letters, Maser posits that Hitler's Weltanschauung only became fully developed after the First World War, a bold new assertion. Stone's analytical study provides the most balanced account of Hitler to date. He even considers David Irving's claim (which most historians shy away from) that Hitler did not order and knew nothing of any "extermination" program.

It should be noted that all these books accept and repeat to some degree the standard atrocity fairy-tales, but read with a critical eye they can indeed be illuminating, and can provoke some thoughts that we are not supposed to think.

Hitti, P. K., The Arabs: A Short History, Regnery, 1956.

A very readable summary of the history of the Arabs by one of the world's foremost authorities in this field.

Hoehling, A. A., The Week Before Pearl Harbor, W. W. Norton, 1963.

Brief Revisionist presentation of the failure to warn the Pearl Harbor commanders of an imminent Japanese attack. Fairly adequate for mistakes of the Navy at Washington but whitewashed the Army and General Marshall.

Hoggan, David L., The Myth of the New History, Craig Press, 1965.

The American author of the monumental Der Erzwungene Krieg ~The Imposed War) on the origins of World War II, here presents an overview of nationalist and Revisionist schools of thought on different periods of international crisis throughout American history. Included are valuable discussions of (and study-guides for) World Wars I and II and the Cold War. Interestingly, Hoggan is critical of the idealistic and relativistic "New History" movement founded early in this century by Charles Beard, J. H. Robinson, and Hoggan's own mentor, Harry Elmer Barnes.

Horne, Alistair, Return to Power: A Report on the New Germany, Praeger, 1956.

The most useful and readable book in English on post-war recovery in Western Germany. A good anticipation and implicit refutation of such examples of neo-Vansittartism as Brian Connell's, A Watcher on the Rhine.

Huddleston, Sisley, France: The Tragic Years, 1939-1947, Devin-Adair, 1955.

The most competent description of wartime France by an eyewitness. An honest and restrained account of the nature, policy and problems of the Vichy Government. The only available account of the horrors of the "Liberation" period when the Communists, encouraged by the Allies, ran wild. Over 100,000 Frenchmen were murdered, judicially or otherwise, in an era which, for savagery, dwarfed the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution or the Communard Movement of 1870-71

Huddleston, Sisley, In My Time, Dutton, 1933.

Reminiscences and observations of the man who was, perhaps, the ablest joumalist dealing with international relations between the two world wars. While valuable for personal data, its greatest merit lies in its brilliant critique of the "Geneva system," the League of Nations, and Eden's diplomacy, which he correctly regards as a leading cause of the second world war.

Huddleston, Sisley, Petain Patriot or Traitor ? Dakers (London), 1951.

A Revisionist study, including an interview, with France's wartime leader.

Huddleston, Sisley, Popular Diplomacy and War, R. R., Smith (West Ridge, New Hampshire), 1954.

Forceful and convincing indictment of the "open diplomacy," dominated by the mob mind, sensational journalism, and excessively publicized international conferences, since it was introduced at Paris by Woodrow Wilson in 1919. Stresses the menace to peace provided by "goldfish bowl" diplomacy conducted by travel maniacs. A book of fundamental and permanent importance.

Hughes, Emrys, Winston Churchill: British Bulldog, Exposition Press, 1955.

Very readable and informing account of the public life of Winston Churchill, with special reference to his activities during the second world war and its aftermath. A substantial critical appraisal by a member of the House of Commons who has given special attention to international affairs.

Hunt, Frazier, The Untold Story of Douglas MacArthur, Devin-Adair, 1954.

Absorbing biography dealing with the later phases of MacArthur's military career. Stresses his handicaps and superb achievements in the second world war and the Korean War, and his able services in the post-war administration of Japan. Highly critical of his treatment by the Truman Administration.

Hutchison, E. H., Violent Truce, Devin-Adair, 1956.

Candid presentation of the Arab-lsraeli tensions in the Middle East by a naval officer who served as head of the Israeli-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission.

Huxley-Blythe, Peter, The East Came West, Caxton Printers, 1964.

The first major book to expose the horrors of the Allies' forced repatriation of the more than one million anti-communist Russians and Slavs back into certain death or slavery at the hands of Stalin's NKVD. Deals mainly with the cases of the Cossack

Hyde, Montgomery, Room 3603, Farrar and Straus, 1964.

An authoritative account of the operations of the British fifth column in the United States before Pearl Harbor under the direction of Sir William Stephenson, the "Quiet Canadian."

Ingram, Kenneth, History of the Cold War, Philosophical Library (New York), 1955.

The first competent history and analysis of the development of the Cold War which has amply borne out Orwell's prediction as to the general system of politics and economics into which the world is moving.

Irving, David, The Destruction of Dresden, William Kimber, 1963.

Accurate and thorough account of the chief Allied bombing atrocity in Europe. Perhaps the most beautiful city in Europe, it had no military significance. As many lost their lives as at Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.

Irving, David, The War Path, Viking, 1978.

Using only primary research data, Irving portrays a picture of Hitler in the years 1933-39 which is much at variance from the monster the "court historians" make him out to be.

Irving, David, Hitler's War, Viking, 1977.

Using his expert knowledge of German, and a unique facility with primary data, the author states, inter alia, that Hitler never knew about any "extermination program." However, he does not attempt to refute the allegation that the program existed.

Izzeddin, Nelja, The Arab World, Regnery, 1954.

Able book by an Arab publicist describing the Arab nations in the Near East, their aspirations and policies.

Jaksh, Wenzel, Europe's Road to Potsdam, Praeger, 1963, (First published in Germany, 1958).

A lengthy and rueful commentary on the state of political affairs which led to half of Europe ending within the Stalinist orbit, by a chastened Sudeten German Social Democrat. The latter chapters dealing with the World War II era are especially useful.

Japanese American Citizens' League, Iva Toguri d'Aquino: Victim of a Legend, JACL, 1975.

A booklet produced in conjunction with the campaign of the National Committee for Iva Toguri to obtain a presidential pardon (eventually granted ) for Miss Toguribetter known as "Tokyo Rose. " Contains the full story of her postwar frame-up (even after she had been cleared by Army and Justice Dept. investigations), the sensational press campaign against her, and her 30-year fight for vindication.

Jarausch, Konrad, The Enigmatic Chancellor: Bethmann Hollweg and the Hubris of Imperial Germany, Yale University Press, 1973.

The product of a truly massive research-effort combing every source, this sympathetic and definitive biography of Germany's First World War Chancellor (1909-17) conclusively refutes the portrayal of him in Fritz Fischer's Griff Nach der Weltmacht as a dyed-in-the-wool "annexationist" following in an alleged tradition of "continuity" in German expansionist aims. In reality there was less "continuity" than continued tension between the aggressive Pan-German minority and the moderate, responsible statesmen. As one of the latter, it was Bethmann Hollweg's fate to be caught between the two poles of opinion at the time when external pressure on Germany from the three encircling hostile powers caused the tension to build to a boilin~point. In the process of refuting the "black" picture of Bethmann painted by Fischer, this book also forces a serious questioning of Fischer's methodology and his general thesis as to German war aims in the First World War. (For more on the "Fritz Fischer controversy," see below: Gerhard Ritter, The Sword and the Sceptre. )

Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1959.

A book of mainly sectarian interest and somewhat innocent and over-simplified historical interpretation, but containing most revealing documented chapters on the treatment of this neutralist minority faith in World War II all over the world The mobbing, maiming and even lynching of these people, the jailings without recourse to habeas corpus, and the forced labor and ferocious treatment for refusal to respond to conscription and other wartime patriotic pressures, effectively dispose of the tiresome bromide of American liberal supporters of the war that the excesses of the first world war were absent in the second.

Johnson, H. S., Hellbent for War, Bobbs-Merrill, 1941.

Brief and vigorous summation of anti-interventionist doctrine and policies, and a sharp critique of the interventionist group.

Johnson, Niel M., George Sylvester Viereck, University of Illinois Press, 1972.

A biography of the famous German-American publicist poet, novelist, and historian. Although not at all an uncritical portrait, the common picture of Viereck as just a "German agent" is here considerably revised, and he is seen to have been genuinely concemed, as an American citizen who also loved his old land, for American neutrality and for the development of good relations with Germany in a world at peace.

Johnson, Walter, The Battle Against Isolation, University of Chicago Press, 1944.

While vigorously interventionist, the author naively provides the most complete survey of the machinations of the interventionists in their determined effort to involve the United States in the conflict. Incidentally and quite unintentionally it presents the best case in print for the activities of "America First" during this period.

Jucker, Ninetta, Curfew in Paris, Hogarth Press, London, 1960.

An interesting memoir by an Englishwoman who spent the entire time of World War II in or around Paris. Though understandably far from pro-German, her observations range far beyond carping at the enemy and are unusually free of mindless idealization of the "Allies," representing that part of the social system not involved in the "resistance" underground, this latter undeniably a fraction of one percent of the residents of France. There is much gossip and rumor in her account, an important part of a book of this kind as these are obvious factors in the making of political views and opinions. Her shock at the Allied bombing of French cities, a topic few know anything about, is a novelty in wartime accounts of this kind, as well as her discussion of the veritable "industry" which prevailed in France devoted to the smuggling out of moneyed Jews and others seeking escape from the German occupiers. Her sharp letter to Duff Cooper of September, 1944, which is an appendix to the book, summarizes her irritation and unhappiness with the fiasco of the propaganda war waged from Britain insofar as it affected the French.

Kaps, Johannes (ed. ), The Martyrdom of Silesian Priests 1945-46, Christ Unterwegs (Munich), 1951.

Kaps, Johannes (ed.), The Tragedy of Silesia 1946-46, Christ Unterwegs (Munich), 1952-53.

Kaps, Johannes (ed.), The Martyrdom and Heroism of the Women of East Germany 1945-46, Christ Unterwegs (Munich), 1955.

An important documentary trilogy detailing the unspeakable horrors inflicted upon the Silesian and other Eastern German peoples by the conquering Red hordes. The middle volume is a massive general account, including an overview of what happened, a brief survey of Silesian history through 1945, and 500 pages of eyewitness reports and documents describing the expulsions, mass murders, desecrations of churches, and the general orgy of rape, mutilation, torture, and looting that made of the Eastern German lands a hell on earth in 1945-46.

Keeling, Ralph Franklin, Gruesome Harvest, Institute of American Economics, 1947.

"The Costly Attempt to Exterminate the People of Germany." One of the earliest and best books dealing with the general post-war treatment of conquered Germany. The Morgenthau proposals, the mass-expulsions, the deliberate famine, the prostration of German capital and industry, the fallacies of denazification and reeducation, the amputations of centuries-old German territories, the enslavement of German labor, the infiltration of Communist and Left-wing elements into positions of power in the East and West!, the cynical designs of the the Kremlin and the West's astounding naivete and trustall these are explored and combined with a broad Revisionist treatment of the matters of German "war guilt" and "collective guilt." This thoroughly researched, movingly written book has become a classic. Hundreds of painstaking reference notes provide an excellent guide to primary and periodical sources of the day

Kennedy, Thomas C., Charles A. Beard and American Foreign Policy, University Presses of Florida, 1975.

A comprehensive, scholarly account of the development of Beard's views on America-in-the-world, which culminated in his advocacy of a non-entanglement policy coupled with internal liberal ("old liberal") reform, and his courageous exposure of the lies and duplicity that got us into World War II.

Kerr, George, Formosa Betrayed, Houghton Mifflin, 1965.

Critical treatment of handing over Formosa to Chiang Kai-shek and vigorous exposure of Madame Chiang Kai-shek and the missionary lobby.

Kessler, Leo, The Iron Fist, Futura, 1977.

This paperback from the supermarket racks is remarkably accurate and candid about the torture of the Waffen SS defendants in the Malmedy trial of 1946.

Keynes, J. M., Economic Consequences of the Peace, Harcourt, Brace, 1920.

Keynes, J. M., A Revision of the Treaty, Harcourt, Brace, 1922.

Able, influential and authoritative indictment of the economic fallacies in the Versailles Treaty, and forceful argument for the rectification of these mistakes.

Kimball, Warren F., Swords or Plowshares? The Morgenthau Plan for Defeated Nazi Germany 1943-1946, Lippincott, 1976.

The most comprehensive scholarly account of the Morgenthau Plan. Kimball concentrates on the genesis of the plan and the cabinet-politics within the Roosevelt administration between the pro-Morgenthauists (including FDR himself) and those against the plan (including Secretary of State Hull). The last half of the book is a selection of 40 key American and British documents relating to Allied visions of post-war Germany.

Kimmel, H. E., Admiral Kimmel's Story, Regnery, 1955.

Full proof by the Pearl Harbor naval commander that Washington deliberately withheld from the Hawaiian authorities the information which would have prevented the Japanese attack. Also an excellent account of the details of the "Day of Infamy."

Klein, B. J., Germany's Economic Preparation for War, Harvard University Press, 1969.

Definitive exposure of the myth that the National Socialist economy in Germany was primarily devoted to armament and war. Shows that Britain and France devoted more of their industrial output to these purposes.

Knappen, Marshall, And Call It Peace, University of Chicago Press, 1949.

Restrained but effective critique of post-war Allied policy in Europe, especially in Germany, which underlines the gap between wartime propaganda and promises and the post-war achievements.

von Knieriem, August, The Nuremberg Trials, Regnery, 1959.

A massive and detailed critical study of the NMT series of 12 trials run by the Americans under Allied Control Council Law No. 10, 1946-49. (These are not to be confused with the more famous "Intemational Military Tribunal" or IMT trial of top Nazi leaders in 1945-46.) Von Knieriem was long-time General Counsel of the I.G. Farben Corp., and found himself in the dock during the Farben trial accused of "war crimes. " (He was acquitted.) He examines the many disturbing problems of procedure, jurisdiction, punishability, substantive law, and international law raised by the trials and reviews individual cases in depth. He demonstrates exactiy how and why the particular charge of "aggressive war" brought against the German Industrialists collapsed ignomiously, and pays tribute to the judges for their courage in rejecting this claim of the prosecutors. But he laments that all too often the popular historical view of these trials has paid more attention to the sensational prosecution charges than to the final judgements of the tribunal.

Knightly, Phillip, The First Casualty, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1975.

A British journalist examines the role of the war correspondent from Crimea to Viet Nam; as a hero, propagandist, and Myth Maker. A much expanded version of Ponsonby, and this time written from a leftist-liberal viewpoint.

Koestler, Arthur, The Thirteenth Tribe, Random House, 1976.

A prominent Jewish author shows how the Jews' origins are in Kazakhstan, not Palestine.

Krasnov, Jr., N. N., The Hidden Russia, Holt, Reinhart & Winston, 1960.

The repatriation of the Russian PoWs to the Soviets, as told by one of the victims. Sub-title is "My Ten Years as a Slave Laborer." Excellent answer to the "Holocaust survivor" frauds which accumulate every year.

Kubek, Anthony, How the Far East Was Lost, Regnery, 1963.

Comprehensive and informing account of the Communist takeover in China and the Far East from a resolutely conservative point of view.

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