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Liberty's Library

From the archives of The Memory Hole

Individualist Anarchism: Liberty's Recommended Reading

Over the course of Benjamin Tucker's periodical Liberty, (1881-1908), the subscribers were often regaled with 'recommended readings' -- in essence, the 'must' titles for a discriminating individualist anarchist to have on his or her bookshelf. If you have a whimsical moment or two to spare, browse the following cyber-shelves and see the books your 19th century counterpart stocked in place of Mises, Rothbard, and Rand.

Compiled with a smile by Wendy McElroy :)

Liberty's Library

[The descriptions are Liberty's own, usually rendered on the last page of the issue where books were offered for sale through Liberty (Boston) and then Tucker's own bookstore (New York).]

  • Anarchism: Its Aims and Methods. By Victor Yarros. An address delivered at the first public meeting of the Boston Anarchists' Club and adopted by that organization in its authorized exposition of its principles. With an appendix giving the Constitution of the Anarchists' Club and explanatory notes regarding it. 30 pages. 5 cents; 6 copies, 25 cents; 25 copies, $100; 100 copies, $3.

  • Anarchism or Anarchy? A Discussion between William H. Tillinghast and Benj.R. Tucker. Prefaced by an Open Letter to Rev. William J. Potter. Sent on receipt of a postage stamp.

  • An Anarchist on Anarchy. An eloquent exposition of the beliefs of Anarchists by a man as eminent in science as in reform. By Elisee Reclus. Followed by a sketch of the criminal record of the author by E. Vaughan. Price, 19 cents.

  • The Anarchists. A Picture of Civilization at the Close of the Nineteenth Century. By John Henry Mackay. Translated from the German by George Schumm. A poet's prose contribution to the literature of philosophic and egoistic Anarchism. The author traces his own mental development in London amid the exciting events of 1887,--the manifestations of the unemployed, the rioting at Trafalgar Square, and the executions at Chicago. The antagonism between Communism and Anarchism sharply brought out. One of the world's great artists places his pen at the service of Anarchism. 315 pages. Price, cloth, $1.00; paper, 50 cents.

  • Anarchists' March. Tune: Bjorneborganes Marsch (Finnish War Song). Words by J.Wm. Lloyd. Price, 10 cents.

  • The Ballad of Reading Gaol. By C.3.3.--Oscar Wilde. A poem of more than 600 lines, dedicated to the memory of a trooper of the Horse Guard who was hanged in Reading Gaol during the poet's confinement there. An English classic. Cloth $1.00; paper, 10 cents.

  • The Ballot. By William Walstein Gordak. A short poem illustrating the absurdity of majority rule. Printed as a leaflet, with an effective advertisement of Liberty on the back. Excellent for propagandism. Ten center per hundred copies.

  • A Blow at Trial by Jury. By Benj.R.Tucker. An examination of the special jury law passed by the New York legislators in 1895. A speech delivered by the editor of Liberty at a mass meeting held at Cooper Union, New York, June 25, 1897, under the auspices of the Central Labor Union, Typographical Union No.6, and other labor organizations. Distribution of this pamphlet among lawyers and legislators will tend indirectly to interest them in Anarchism. 48 pages. Single copy, 5 cents.

  • Bombs: The Poetry and Philosophy of Anarchism. By William A. Whittick. 187 pages. Price, cloth, 75 cents; paper, 56 cents.

  • Captain Roland's Purse: How it is Filled and How Emptied. By John Ruskin. The first of a projected series of Labor Tracts. Supplied at 37 cents per hundred.

  • Causes of the Conflict Between Capital and Labor. By D.H. Hendershott. A 92-page pamphlet showing that all the wealth in the world consists of unconsumed wages earned by somebody, but that most of it is withheld from the earners through Interest, Rent, Profit, and Taxes. Price, 25 cents.

  • Citizen's Money. a critical analysis in the light of free trade in banking. By Alfred B. Westrup. 27 pages. Price, 10 cents.

  • Co-Operation: Its Laws and Principles. An Essay showing Liberty and Equity as the only conditions of true co-operation, and exposing the violations of these conditions by Rent, Interest, Profit, and Majority Rule. By C.T. Fowler. Containing a portrait of Herbert Spencer. Price, 6 cents; two copies, 10 cents.

  • Co-Operative Homes. An Essay showing how the kitchen may be abolished and the independence of woman secured by severing the State from the Home, thereby introducing the voluntary principle into the Family and all its relationships. By C.T. Fowler. Containing a portrait of Louise Michel. Price, 6 cents; two copies, 10 cents.

  • Corporations. An essay showing how the monopoly of railroads, telegraphs, etc. may be abolished without the intervention of the State. By C.T. Fowler. Containing a portrait of Wendell Phillips. Price, 6 cents; two copies, 10 cents.

  • The Dawning. A Novel. "Oh Heaven! Apollo is once more among the herdsmen of Admetus, and the herdsmen know not it is the Sun- God!" An octavo volume of nearly four hundred pages, bound in cloth. Price, $1.50.

  • The Fallacies in 'Progress and Poverty'. A bold attack on the position of Henry George. Written for the people, and as revolutionary in sentiment, and even more radical than 'Progressand Poverty' itself. By William Hanson. 191 pages, cloth. Price, $1.00.

  • A Female Nihilist. A thrilling sketch of the character and adventures of a typical Nihilistic heroine. By Stepniak, by "Underground Russia". Price, 10 cents.

  • The Financial Problem: Its Relation to Labor Reform and Prosperity. Demonstrating the abolition of interest to be unavoidable. By Alfred B. Westrup. 30 pages. Price, 10 cents.

  • Free Political Institutions: Their Nature, Essence, and Maintenance. An abridgment and rearrangement of Lysander Spooner's "Trial by Jury". Edited by Victor Yarros. Chapters: I. Legitimate Government and Majority Rule, II. Trial by Jury as a Palladium of Liberty, III. Trial by Jury as Defined by Magna Carta, IV. Objections Answered, V. The Criminal Intent, VI. Moral Considerations for Jurors, VII. Free Administration of Justice, VIII. Juries of the Present Day Illegal. Price, 25 cents.

  • God and the State. One of the most eloquent pleas for liberty ever written. Paine's 'Age of Reason' and 'Rights of Man' consolidated and improved. It stirs the pulse like a trumpet call. By Michael Bakounine. Founder of Nihilism and Apostle of Anarchy. Translated from the French by Benj.R. Tucker. 52 pages. Price, 15 cents.

  • Henry George, Traitor. By Benj.R. Tucker. Proving that the leader of the Single-Taxers was a hypocrite and a coward in his sanctioning of the hanging of the Chicago Communists. Single copy, 3 cents; 10 copies, 10 cents; 100 copies, 80 cents.

  • The Herald of Anarchy. English Organ of Anarchism. Seeks to destroy the authority and prestige of National Government as well as to combat all other forms of tyranny: advocates free access to the land, the abolition of national monetary laws and restrictions on credit, free contract, and free love. Published monthly at the Labor Press, 57 Chancery Lane, London, W.C., England. Price, post-free, 3 cents; annual subscription, 36 cents.

  • Heroes of the Revolution of '71. A souvenis picture of the Paris Commune, presenting Fifty-One Portraits of the men whose names are most prominently connected with that great uprising of the people, and adorned with mottoes from Danton, Blanqui, Pyat, Proudhon, J.Wm Lloyd, Tridon, and August Spies. Of all the Commune souvenirs that have ever been issued this picture stands easily first. It is executed by the phototype process from a very rare collection of photographs, measures 15 inches by 24, and is printed on heavy paper for framing. Over 50 portraits for 25 cents.

  • Ideo-Kleptomania: The Case of Henry George. By J.W. Sullivan. The author offers evidence to show -- That Henry George took his doctrine bodily from Patrick Edward Dove. That academic authority has pronounced Henry George's arguments against Malthus simply those of William Godwin and Herbert Spencer, without a new thought added. That his attack on the wages-fund theory Henry George but re-employed ideas already well-used in economic disputes, without giving credit to the thinkers with whom they originated. That Henry George entertains the peculiar belief that a writer may put ideas into print as his own, no matter how he comes by them. With Henry George's denial of plagiarism. One Hundred Pages, 15 cents.

  • Instead of a Book: By a Man Too Busy to Write One. A Fragmentary Exposition of Philosophical Anarchism. Culled from the writings of Benj.R. Tucker. A large, well-printed, and excessively cheap volume of 524 pages, consisting of articles selected from Liberty and classified under the following headings: (1) State Socialism and Anarchism: How Far They Agree, and wherein They Differ; (2) The Individual, Society, and the State; (3) Money and Interest; (4) Land and Rent; (5) Socialism; (6) Communism; (7) Methods; (8) Miscellaneous. The whole elaborately indexed. Price, fifty cents.

  • International Address. An elaborate, comprehensive, and very entertaining Exposition of the principles of the Working-People's International Association. By William T.[sic] Greene. Price, 15 cents.

  • Involuntary Idleness. By Hugo Bilgram. An exposition of the causes of the discrepancy existing between the supply of and the demand for labor and its products. 119 pages. Price, in cloth, one dollar.

  • The Iron Law of Wages. By Hugo Bilgram. This pamphlet demonstrates that wages could not be kept down to the cost of the laborer's subsistence were it not for the monopoly by a privileged class of the right to represent wealth by money. Price, 5 cents.

  • The Kreutzer Sonata. By Leo Tolstoi. Suppressed by the Czar. Translated by Benjamin R. Tucker. This novel is the boldest work yet written by the famous Russian author. Dealing with the questions of love and marriage, it urges a morality that is more than puritanical in its severity, while handling the delicate subject with all the frankness of the realistic school. In St. Petersburg and Moscow manuscript copies pass from hand to hand and are read aloud in literary circles. This book, so far as the central lesson to be drawn from it is concerned, is of a reactionary character, and should not be regarded as a part of Liberty's propaganda. Yet it is a work of interest, almost a masterpiece of art, a romance not without sociological importance. No lover of independent thought can fail to admire its rare unconventionality, the fearless way in which the author addresses polite circles upon a subject which they generally taboo[sic]. Price, in cloth, $1.00; in paper, 50 cents.

  • The Labor Dollar. By Stephen Pearl Andrews. Price, 10 cents.

  • Land Tenure. An essay showing the governmental basis of land monopoly, the futility of governmental remedies, and a natural and peaceful way of starving out the landlords. By C.T. Fowler. Containing a portrait of Robert Owen. Price, 6 cents; two copies, 10 cents.

  • Love, Marriage, and Divorce, and the Sovereignty of the Individual: A Discussion between Henry James, Horace Greeley, and Stephen Pearl Andrews. Including the replies of Mr. Andrews, rejected by the New York Tribune, and a subsequent discussion, occurring twenty years later, between Mr. James and Mr. Andrews. xPrice, 25 cents.

    • Lysander Spooner's Pamphlets Sold for the Benefit of the Spooner Publication Fund.

      The undersigned [Benj.R. Tucker] has purchased from the heirs of the late Lysander Spooner all of his printed pamphlets and unpublished manuscripts, and proposes to sell the former to obtain means for the publication of the latter. The list given below indicates all of Mr. Spooner's works with the exception of five or six which are entirely out of print. Of some there are but three or four copies left, and there are stereotype plates of but few. Some may never be reprinted. Those persons who apply first will be served first. The pamphlets are catalogued below in an order corresponding closely to that of the order of publication.

    • The Deist's Immortality, and an essay on Man's Accountability for His Belief. 1834. 14 pages. Price, 15 cents; soiled copies 10 cents.

    • A Question for the Clergy. A four-page tract. Price, 5 cents.

    • The Unconstitutionality of the Laws of Congress Prohibiting Private Mails. Printed for the American Letter Mail Company. 1844. 24 pages. Price, 15 cents; soiled copies, 10 cents.

    • Who Caused the Reduction of Postage? Ought He to Be Paid? Showing that Mr. Spooner was the father of cheap postage in America. This pamphlet embodies the one mentioned immediately before it in this list. 1850. 71 pages. Price, $1.00; soiled copies, 75 cents. The same, minus the first 16 pages, which consist of a preface and a letter from Mr. Spooner to M.D. Phillips, will be furnished at 50 cents.

    • Illegality of the Trial of John W. Webster. Containing the substance of the author's larger work, 'Trial by Jury', now out of print. 1850. 16 pages. Price, 15 cents; soiled copies, 10 cents.

    • The Law of Intellectual Property; or, an Essay on the Right of Authors and Inventors to a Perpetual Property in Their Ideas. Stitched in parts, but unbound. 1855. 240 pages. Price, $1.25. Part I of the same, containing 166 pages, will be furnished at $1.00.

    • Address of the Free Constitutionalists to the people of the United States. A refutation of the Republican Party's doctrine of the non-extension of slavery. 1860. 54 pages, Price, 25 cents; soiled copies, 15 cents.

    • A New System of Paper Currency. Showing its outline, its advantages, security, practicability, and legally, and embodying the articles of association of a mortgage stock banking company. 1861. 122 pages. Price, 75 cents.

    • Considerations for Bankers and Holders of United States Bonds. Showing that the author's system of paper currency cannot be legally prohibited or taxed, and that the legal tender acts and the national banking act are unconstitutional. 1864. 96 pages. Price, 75 cents; soiled copies, 50 cents.

    • No Treason No.II. 1867. 16 pages. Price, 20 cents; soiled, 15 cents.

    • No Treason No.VI. Showing that the constitution is of no authority. 1870. 59 pages. Price, 50 cents; soiled copies 25 cents.

    • A New Banking System. Showing the capacity of the country for furnishing an enormous amount of loanable capital, and how this capacity may be made operative. 1873. 77 pages. Price, 50 cents, soiled copies 25 cents.

    • The Law of Prices: A Demonstration for the Necessity of an Indefinite Increase of Money. 1877. 14 pages. Price, 10 cents; soiled copies, 5 cents.

    • Our Financiers: their Ignorance, Usurpations, and Frauds, Exposing the fallacy of the Inter-convertible bond scheme, and contrasting therewith some rational conclusions in finance. 1877. 19 pages. Price, 10 cents.

    • Revolution: The Only Remedy for the Oppressed Classes of Ireland, England, and Other Parts of the British Empire. No. 1. A reply to "Dunraven. This is the pamphlet of which the Irish revolutionary party distributed 100,000 among the British aristocracy and bureaucracy. 1880. 11 pages. price, 10 cents.

    • Natural Law; Or, the Science of Justice. A treatise on natural law, natural justice, natural rights, natural liberty, and natural society; showing that all legislation whatsoever is an absurdity, a usurpation, and a crime. Part First. 1882. 21 pages. Price, 10 cents.

    • A Letter to Thomas F. Bayard. Challenging his right--and that of all the other so-called senators and representatives in congress--to exercise any legislative power whatever over the people of the United States. Price, 3 cents.

    • A Letter to Scientists and Inventors on the Science of Justice and Their Right of Perpetual Property in Their Discoveries and Inventions. 1884. 22 pages. Price, 25 cents; soiled copies, 15 cents.

    • A Letter to Grover Cleveland on His False Inaugural Address, the Usurpations and Crimes of Lawmakers and Judges, and the Consequent Poverty, Ignorance, and Servitude of the People. 1886. 110 pages. Price, 35 cents.

  • Modern Marriage. By Emil Zola. Translated from the French by Benj.R. Tucker. In this, his latest story, Zola takes four typical marriages,--one from the nobility, one from the bourgeoisie, one from the petty bourgeoisie, and one from the working people,--and describes, with all the power of his wondrous art, how each originates, by what motive each is inspired, how each is consummated, and how each results. Price, 15 cents.

  • Money and Currency. By A.H. Stephenson and G.F. Stephens. The invention of money--the standard of value--government issues of money--the best currency--solution of the money question. Price, 15 cents.

  • Mutual Banking. Showing the Radical Deficiency of the existing Circulating Medium, and how Interest on Money can be Abolished. By William B. Greene. Price, 25 cents.

  • My Uncle Benjamin. A Humorous, Satirical, and Philosophical Novel. By Claude Tillier. Translated from the French by Benjamin R. Tucker. With a sketch of the author's life and works by Ludwig Pfau. This novel, though it has enjoyed the honor of three translations into German, has never before been translated into English. It is one of the most delightfully witty works ever written. Almost every sentence excites a laugh. It is thoroughly realistic, but not at all repulsive. Its satirical treatment of humanity's foibles and its jovial but profound philosophy have won its author the title of "the modern Rabelais". My Uncle Benjamin riddles with the shafts of his good-natured ridicule the shams of theology, law, medicine, commerce, war, marriage, and society generally. 312 pages. Price, in cloth, $1.00; in paper, 50 cents.

  • A Politician in Sight of Haven. Being a Protest against the Government of Man by Man. By Auberon Herbert. Price, 10 cents.

  • Prohibition. An essay on the relation of government to temperance, showing that prohibition cannot prohibit, and would be unnecessary if it could. By C.T. Fowler. Price, 6 cents; two copies, 10 cents.

  • Prostitution and the International Woman's League. By Henry Edger. Price, 15 cents.

  • Proudhon and His 'Bank of the People'. By Charles A. Dana. Being a defense of the Great French Anarchist, showing the evils of a specie currency, and that interest on capital can ought to be abolished by a system of free and mutual banking. Cloth, 10 cents; leatherette, 25 cents.

  • The Quintessence of Ibsenism. By G. Bernard Shaw. Pronounced by the London 'Saturday Review' a "most diverting book," and by the author "the most complete assertion of the human will as against all laws, institutions, 'isms', and the like, now procurable for a quarter." Ibsen's works have been read very widely in America, and there have been almost as many interpretations as readers. This conflict of opinion will cause the liveliest curiosity to know what view is taken by Mr. Bernard Shaw, who is not only one of the keenest students of Ibsen, but one of the wittiest writers in England. He takes up the plays verbatim, subjects each to searching analysis, and extracts the quintessence of the whole. Nearly 200 pages. Price, paper, 25 cents.

  • The Radical Review: Vol.I., handsomely bound in cloth, and containing over sixty Essays, Poems, Translations, and Reviews, by the most prominent radical writers, on industrial, financial, social, literary, scientific, philosophical, ethical, and religious subjects. 828 pages octavo. Price $5.00. Single numbers, $1.15.

  • The Rag-Picker of Paris. By Felix Pyat. Translated from the French by Benjamin R. Tucker. Four Thousand Copies Sold the First Week. Third Edition now in Press. A novel unequaled in its combination of dramatic power, picturesque intensity, crisp dialogue, panoramic effect, radical tendency, and bold handling of social questions. Originally written as a play, this masterpiece achieved the great success known to the French stage. Recent, and just before his death, the author elaborated his play into a novel, in which form it presents a complete panorama of the prison of the present century.

  • The Reorganization of Business. An Essay showing how the principles of cooperation may be realized in the Store, the Bank, and the Factory. By C.T. Fowler. A portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Price, 6 cents; two copies, 10 cents.

  • The Rights of Women and the Sexual Relations. An Address to an Unknown Lady Reader. By Karl Heinzen. Translated from the German by Emma Heller Schumm. "A freedom which in freedom and force of statement remains today the most cogent argument yet written in favor of a larger personal liberty for the sex. It is made accessible to English readers tardily yet in time, when the whole civilized world is blinking at the mockery of many if not most marriages."--Editorial in Philadelphia Press. Cloth, $1.00; paper, 50 cents.

  • The Science of Society. By Stephen Pearl Andrews. This work, long out of print, is now republished to meet a demand which for a few years past has been rapidly growing. First published about forty years ago, and yet in its teachings still far in advance of the times, it comes to the present generation practically as a new book. Josiah Warren, whose social philosophy it was written to expound, was in the habit of referring to it as the most lucid and complete presentation of his ideas that ever had been written or ever could be written. It will undoubtedly take rank in the future among the famous books of the nineteenth century. It consists of two parts, as follows: Part I--The True Constitution of Government in the Sovereignty of the Individual as the Final Development of Protestantism, Democracy, and Socialism. Part II--Cost the Limit of Price: A Scientific Measure of Honesty in Trade, as one of the Fundamental Principles in the Solution of the Social Problem. Price, in cloth, one dollar.

  • Slaves to Duty. By John Badcock, Jr. A unique addition to the pamphlet literature of Anarchism. It assails the morality superstition as the foundation of the various schemes for the exploitation of mankind. Max Stirner himself does not expound the doctrine of Egoism in bolder fashion. 30 pages. Price, 30 cents.

  • So The Railway Kings Itch for an Empire, Do They? By a 'Red Hot Striker,' of Scranton, Pa. A reply to an article by William M. Grosvenor in the International Review. Price, 10 cents; per hundred, $4.00.

  • Social Wealth: The Sole Factors and Exact Ratios in its Acquirement and Apportionment. This handsome octavo volume of 320 pages treats of the usurpations of Capitalism, showing that Land and Labor are the only natural capital, or source of wealth; exposing the trick of treating variable and invariable values as one; and explaining the true mean [sic] of Value in Exchange; showing that in the production of wealth cooperation always exists, and exposing the fraudulent methods by which equitable division is defeated; exploding the 'Taxation' and other 'Remedies' for the wrongs done Industry proposed by George, Wallace, and Clark, and demonstrating that the scientific is the only safe method of investigation for the employer or the employed who seeks salutary reform. Price, one dollar.

  • Socialistic, Communistic, Mutualistic, and Financial Fragments. By William B. Greene. Price, $1.25.

  • The State: Its Origin, Its Nature, and Its Abolition. By Albert Tarn, an English Anarchist. 19 pages. Price, 5 cents.

  • The Story of an African Farm. A Novel. By Ralph iron (Olive Schreiner) A romance, not of adventure, but of the intellectual life and growth of young English and German people living among the Boers and Kaffirs, picturing the mental struggles through which they passed in their evolution from orthodoxy to rationalism; and representing advanced ideas on religious and social questions. A work of remarkable power, beauty, and originality. 375 pages. Price, in cloth, 60 cents.

  • A Strike of Millionaires Against Miners: Or, The Story of Spring Valley. By Henry D. Lloyd. A book to be read by everyone who wants to learn the methods by which, in this free and glorious Republic, the people are being robbed of their labors and liberties. It takes the coal business as the most representative of the tendency to monopoly, so rapidly converting all the great industries of the country into private estates for the Lords of Industry, and it tells the story of Spring Valley, Illinois made famous by the cruel lock out there to starve the men into giving up their union and taking lower wages -- as a typical 'modern instance' of this tendency. It uses this story as an illustration of the wicked drift of our entire business system towards exaggerated wealth for the few, and extreme poverty for the multitude. Price in cloth, $1.00; in paper, 50 cents.

  • Sturm. To German Readers. By John Henry Mackay. A Collection of Egoistic and Anarchistic poems in the German language. Second edition, with dedicatory poem to Max Stirner. 115 pages. Price, cloth, 75 cents; paper, 50 cents.

  • System of Economical Contradictions: Or, the Philosophy of Misery. By P.J. Proudhon. Translated from the French by Benj.R. Tucker. This work, one of the most celebrated written by Proudhon, constitutes the fourth volume of the Complete Works, and is published in a style uniform with that of "What is Property?" It discusses, in a style as novel as profound, the problems of Value, Division of Labor, Machinery, Competition, Monopoly, Taxation, and Providence, showing that economic progress is achieved by the appearance of a succession of economic forces, each of which counteracts the evils developed by its predecessor, and then, by developing evils of its own, necessitates its successor, the process to continue until a final force, corrective of the whole, shall establish a stable economic equilibrium. 460 pages, octavo, in the highest style of the typographic art. Price, cloth, $3.50; full calf, blue, gilt edges, $6.50.

  • Taxation or Free Trade? A Criticism upon Henry George's 'Protection of Free Trade.' By John F. Kelly. 16 pages. Price, 5 cents; 6 copies, 25 cents; 100 copies, $3.

  • The Thirty-Six Trades of the State. By Arsene Alexandre. Translated from the French by Benj.R. Tucker. Showing the state as a jack-at-all-trades and good at none. Single copy, 3 cents; 10 copies, 10 cents; 100 copies, 80 cents.

  • Three Dreams in a Desert. By Olive Schreiner. An allegorical prose-poem beautifully picturing the emancipation of woman and foreshadowing the results thereof. Price, 5 cents; six copies, 25 cents; 100 copies, $3.

  • True Civilization: A Subject of Vital and Serious Interest to all People, but Most Immediately to the Men and Women of Labor and Sorrow. By Josiah Warren. A Pamphlet of 117 pages, now passing through its fifth edition, explaining the basic principles of Labor Reform,--Liberty and Equity. Price 30 cents.

  • A Vindication of Natural Society. By Edmund Burke. Showing the Inherent Evils of all State Governments. "In vain you tell me that artificial government is good, but that I fall out only with the abuse. The thing--the thing itself is the abuse."--Burke. 36 pages. Price, 10 cents.

  • Voluntary Socialism. By F.D. Tandy. A complete and systematic outline of Anarchistic philosophy and economics, written in a clear, concise, and simple style. It is followed by a suggestive bibliography of books of service to those who wish to study the subject more deeply, and contains also a complete index. Price, cloth, $1.00; paper, 50 cents.

  • Voluntary Taxation. An essay showing that the public revenues should be considered as insurance premiums, not to be exacted by compulsion. By J.Greevz Fisher. 31 pages. Price, 3 cents.

  • What is Freedom, and When am I Free? Being an attempt to put Liberty on a rational basis, and wrest its keeping from irresponsible pretenders in Church and State. By Henry Appleton. 27 pages. Price, 15 cents; two copies, 25 cents.

  • What Is Property? Or an Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government. By P.J. Proudhon. Prefaced by a Sketch of Proudhon's Life and Works, and containing as a Frontispiece a fine steel Engraving of the Author. Translated from the French by Benj. R. Tucker. A systematic, thorough, and radical discussion of the institution of property,--the basis, its history, its present status, and its destiny,--together with a detailed and startling expose of the crimes which it commits, and the evils which it engenders. 500 pages octavo. Price, cloth, $3.50; full calf, blue, gilt edges, $6.50.

  • What's To Be Done? A Nihilistic Romance. Written in prison. Suppressed by the Czar. By N.G. Tchernychewsky. With a portrait of the author. Translated by Benj.R. Tucker. In cloth, $1.00. In paper, 75 cents.

  • The Wind and the Whirlwind. A poem worthy of a place in every man's library, and especially interesting to all victims of British tyranny and misrule. A redline edition, printed beautifully in large type, on fine paper, and bound in parchment covers. Elegant and cheap. 32 pages. Price, 25 cents.

  • Wind-Harp Songs. By J.Wm. Lloyd. Poems of life, love, nature, liberty, and death. An appropriate gift book. nicely bound. Price $1.00.

  • Work and Wealth. By J.K. Ingalls. 13 pages. Price, 10 cents.